Jess Perez
Jess Perez
Title: Treasurer
Phone: 951-217-4428

Jess was hired to Saddleback College in November 2000 and joined the Athletics Gaucho family in 2004.  He is an integral part of the nuts and bolts operation of the Kinesiology & Athletics Division and he has greatly contributed to its success and accomplishments.  He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Kinesiology & Athletics and is greatly depended upon for his skills, know- how and a “get’er done attitude”.  Jess’ main duties and responsibilities include managing the entire budget for the Kinesiology & Athletics Division, providing vital administrative support to the Dean of KNES & Athletics as well as to the faculty, coaches, staff and students alike.  He is also one of the few volunteer committee members of the Annual Athletics Golf Tournament Fundraiser in which he helps to plan, direct and operate each year.  Perez took over the Senior Administrative role within the Kinesiology and Athletics Department in January, 2014.